Centers & Institutes

AI Institute in Dynamic Systems 

Led by the University of Washington, the AI Institute in Dynamic Systems is a multi-University institute funded by the National Science Foundation dedicated to transforming research and education in fundamental artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) theory, algorithms, and applications specifically for safe and certifiable real-time learning and control of complex dynamic systems.  

Computational Neuroscience Center 

The University of Washington’s Computational Neuroscience Center (UW-CNC) brings together award-winning research underway across the full spectrum of scales, mechanisms, and functions of the brain. Topics range from ion channel stochasticity in auditory processing to insect flight control to human/computer interfaces.

Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

The Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) mandate is to promote excellent research and applications of the mathematical sciences, to facilitate the training of highly qualified personnel, to enrich public awareness of and education in mathematics, and to create partnerships with similar organizations around the world.

eScience Institute

The mission of the eScience Institute is to support data-driven discovery in all fields – to ensure that UW is a leader in advancing the techniques and technologies of data-driven discovery, and in making them accessible to researchers across the campus.

Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing

Founded jointly by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Washingtonin 2013, the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing, or NIAC, is both a physical and “virtual” collaborative center designed to maximize the impact of computing on transformative discoveries that fuel scientific and societal progress.

Applied Physics Lab

Since 1943, APL-UW has conducted acoustic and oceanographic studies in how deep ocean variability affects Navy systems. Today, our scientists and engineers pursue leadership roles in acoustic and remote sensing, ocean physics and engineering, medical and industrial ultrasound, polar science and logistics, environmental and information systems, and electronic and photonic systems.
