Undergraduate Advising
Graduate Advising
In general, students in AMATH, CFRM, and some pathways of ACMS have priority registration for our courses in Period I. Other students, including those in the minors, must wait for Registration Period II before attempting to add our courses. Please see Time Schedule Notes for each section. WE ARE NOT DISTRIBUTING ADD CODES FOR FULL CLASSES except in special circumstances. Please subscribe to seat availability notifications to attempt to gain a spot if/when one opens, but there is no guarantee.SPRING 2025 exceptions: Waitlist for AMATH 353 will be used in the event that sections are full. Waitlists will open on the first day of registration (Feb 13). However, if course registration is not restricted by add code, the waitlist will not be used, and students may attempt to gain an available seat through UW Notify.
Undergraduate Advising
Staff: Rebecca Beard
Contact: amathadv@uw.edu or 206-616-0386
Location: LEW 230C
Note: Admissions & Advising for ACMS, a separate undergraduate program, is through the Mathematics Department in Padelford C-36.
Help Via Email
We encourage you to read through our Resources page before emailing us as it may answer your question!
For questions that can be answered over email, you can email us at amathadv@uw.edu. Be sure to include your student ID number. Please use email for:
- Course registration questions that are not answered on our website
- Questions about the admissions process
- Questions about a minor
- Questions about a specific class
- Issues with your degree audit
Advising Appointment for Undergrads in the Major
Students in our majors may schedule an appointment here. Please indicate in your appointment notes your preferred method of contact: Zoom, phone, or in-person (Mon-Thurs only). Remote appointments are encouraged.
Drop-In Advising Hours for Prospective Undergrad Students: via Zoom
For students in our majors and for students not in our majors! Login for a 5-10 minute drop-in online session:
Month | Tuesday | Thursday |
March | 1:30-2:30pm PT Zoom link Note: Mar 25 drop-in canceled |
2:30-3:30pm PT Zoom link (unless noted below) Note: Mar 20 drop-in from 1:30-2:30pm |
April | 1:30-2:30pm PT Zoom link Note: Apr 8 drop-in from 10-11am |
2:30-3:30pm PT Zoom link |
Graduate Advising
Applied Mathematics | Computational Finance & Risk Management |
Programs | amath.washington.edu | cfrm.uw.edu |
Contact | Sarah Riley Email: amath-gpa@uw.edu Location: 202 Lewis Hall Phone: (206) 616-9811 |
Christine Texeira Email: compfin@uw.edu Location: 219 Lewis Hall Phone: (206) 616-3099 |
Advising Options | Current AMath students: Please make an appointment with this link.
Prospective students or general assistance: email amath-gpa@uw.edu |
Current CFRM students: refer to advising page in Canvas for drop-in hours and appointments. Prospective students: email compfin@uw.edu |
- Applying to the UW Graduate School
- UW Graduate School Resources
- Graduate School Orientation (for admitted & current students w/NetID)
- Disability Resources for Students
- Husky Health & Well Being (includes SafeCampus)
- COVID-19 Updates
- Zoom Help Guide
- Grade Appeal Procedure: The Department of Applied Mathematics follows the UW policy for grade appeals. For a detailed description of this policy, see the UW Scholastic Regulations, Chapter 110 “Grades, Honors, and Scholarships,” Section 2B.”