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View all photos  Doctors of Philosophy Matthew Farkas - Some Solutions to Linear, Second-Order, Initial-Boundary Value Problems with Variable Coefficients.  Advisor: Bernard Deconinck… Read more
Speaker:  Ryan Creedon, University of Washington Date: May 30, 2024 Title:  Transverse Instability of Stokes Waves in Finite Depth Abstract: Since the pioneering work of McLean in the early 1980s, it has been known numerically that periodic water waves of small amplitude are unstable due to perturbations transverse to their direction of propagation. In this talk, I present the first rigorous proof of this… Read more
The Department of Applied Mathematics is pleased to host this series of colloquium lectures, funded in part by a generous gift from the Boeing Company. This series will bring to campus prominent applied mathematicians from around the world. Title: Invisibility via Transformation Optics Abstract: Can we make objects invisible? This has been a subject of human fascination for millennia in Greek mythology, movies, science fiction, etc… Read more
Congratulations to Professor Jakob Kotas, winner of the Haimo Distinguished College or University Teacher of Mathematics Award given by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA)'s Golden Section (the regional section encompassing Northern California, Nevada and Hawaii). This award is one of two awards given out annually by the section to recognize teaching by a member in the section. The award was presented on February 24,… Read more
Speaker: Huy Nguyen, University of Maryland, College Park Date: May 23, 2024 Title:  Proof of the transverse instability of Stokes waves Abstract: A Stokes wave is a traveling free-surface periodic water wave  that is constant in the direction transverse to the direction of propagation. In 1981 McLean discovered via numerical methods that Stokes waves at infinite depth are unstable… Read more
Professor Randall J. Leveque is recognized by the CSDMS (Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System) for outstanding intellectual leadership in numerical computing and its applications to problems in geophysical fluid mechanics and conservation laws, as well as for major contributions to reproducible computational research and open-source software.… Read more
Speaker: Dmitry Pelinovsky, McMaster University Date: May 16, 2024 Title:  On smooth and peaked traveling waves in a local model for shallow water waves Abstract: I will describe a new model equation for Stokes gravity waves based on conformal transformations of Euler's equations. The local version of the model equation is relevant for dynamics of shallow water waves. It allows us to characterize… Read more
Congratulations to Warren Han, a … Read more
The Department of Applied Mathematics is pleased to host this series of colloquium lectures, funded in part by a generous gift from the Boeing Company. This series will bring to campus prominent applied mathematicians from around the world. Title: Drumlins Abstract: Drumlins are small rounded hills which occur in swarms, and which are formed under ice sheets. They are ubiquitous  in North America and Northern Europe due to the former presence… Read more
A congratulatory shout-out to Jonathan Aalto, who has been recognized as a Husky 100 student! The purpose of this program is to recognize the outstanding work and achievements of students on all three University of Washington campuses who are making the most of their Husky Experience.  Jonathan is a double major in Chemistry and Applied Math, and a great exemplar of the quality of all our students. At last year's… Read more