Computing Resources

The department maintains three mid-scale servers (12/24 cores and 32/512 GB RAM each) and one high-end server (40 cores, 512 GB RAM, and 2 Titan X GPUs). These are available to faculty, staff, students and visitors via remote access.

The department also maintains three network printers, scanner facilities, loan laptops and projectors, and other computing peripherals including a conference room wired with a large-screen television and webcams for remote conferencing.

Licensing for commercial software packages such as Matlab, Maple and Mathematica, Microsoft products and Adobe media tools is provided by the College of Engineering and the University of Washington IT Department. In addition, the department makes use of many free and open source tools such as Python, Numpy, and Scipy as well as mathematical software packages.

Members of the department can access more information about available computing resources here.
