Applied PDE Seminar: Olivia Cannon, Shifting Parties in Social Dynamics: a Nonlocal Approach

Submitted by Anastassiya Semenova on

Speaker: Olivia Cannon, University of Minnesota

Date: April 25, 2024

Title:  Shifting Parties in Social Dynamics: a Nonlocal Approach

Abstract: The bounded confidence model is well-known for its dynamics of party formation within the sphere of social dynamics. We investigate the addition of bias terms, modeling shifts in opinions, and the resulting dynamics including coherent movement of parties. We analyze this movement using a novel, nonlocal approach for the study of the resulting forward-backward delay equations. Different from classical methods, we compute Taylor expansions in function space. This approach leads to an algebraically simple computation of the reduced flow on a center manifold, allowing for proof of coherent small-amplitude movement.

Location: Residents of Lewis Hall can attend talks in the Wan Conference Room (Lewis 208) at 11:30am. The talk will also be streamed live via Zoom.
