2023 WAMM Participants
Name | Project Title |
Jing Cao | Visualizing Nonnormality |
Joyce Chen | Deep Learning Weather Prediction |
Parker Crotty | Continuous Modeling: Waves |
Sihao Feng | Multiscale Time Stepping With Neural Network |
Weixuan Liu | The Impact of Initialization on the Learning Performance of Neural Networks |
Xinyi Meng | Continuous Modeling: Waves |
Ellie Menton | Visualizing Nonnormality |
Bao Han Ngo | Factor Models for Building Stock Portfolios in the US and China |
Xinyue Sun | Factor Models for Building Stock Portfolios in the US and China |
Annabel Wade | Deep Learning Weather Prediction |
Cindy Wang | Image classification and various denoising and deblurring methods |
Xiqian Yuan | Multiscale Time Stepping With Neural Network |
Xinyue Zhang | The Impact of Initialization on the Learning Performance of Neural Networks |
Ziyan Zhou | Cross-Validation of ML on MNIST Data Set |
Special thanks for mentors: Erin Angelini, Eleanor Byrnes, Katherine Johnston, Kaitlynn Lilly, Helena Liu, Yining Shao, Natalie Wellen
2022 WAMM Participants
Student | Project Title |
Huijing Chen | Linear Regression Models of Femicide Data in Mexico |
Kaidi Chen | Support Vector Machine fro Customer Churn Prediction in Banking |
Bella Cochran | Interpolating the Climate |
Yunxin Hong | Classifying Tumors with Supervised Learning |
Linshuo Li | Classifying Tumors with Supervised Learning |
Krista Matuska | Interpolating the Climate |
Katherine Solchaga | Linear Regression Models of Femicide Data in Mexico |
Natalie Tassielli | Computer Vision for Dummies: Classifying MNIST |
Michelle Utama | Support Vector Machine for Customer Churn Prediction in Banking |
Carey Zhou | Computer Vision for Dummies: Classifying MNIST |
Special thanks for mentors: Chavisa Arpavoraruth, Nicole Nesbihal, Pragya Sharma, Doris Voina, Natalie Wellen.
2021 WAMM Participants
Student | Project Title |
Nadia Domnina | Markov Chain Applications |
Camille Gates | Modeling Tumor Immune Dynamics |
Chloƫ Mitchell | Exploring Models of Tumor Growth |
Hinda Nguyen | Covid Model Simulation |
Leqi Wang | Koopman Operator: DMD Simulation on SIR Model |
Sabrina Zerrade | Dimensions in Neural Signals |
Wuwei Zhang | Exploring MNIST |
Special thanks for mentors: Olga Dorabiala, Nora Gilbertson, Katie Johnston, Echo Liu, Megan Morrison, Katherine Owens, Natalie Wellen
2020 WAMM Participants
Student | Project Title |
Jan Eliza G Dee | Analysis and Comparison of Knit stitches using a Mechanical Energy Model |
Weien Guo | European and American Options Pricing Using Monte Carlo Simulation |
Alisha Luo | SVD Image Denoising |
Sanjana Sathyanarayanan | Enigma Encryption |
Frances Scott-Weis | Neural Networks |
Yiru Xiong | |
Ester Yang | Recommender Systems for Movies |
Special thanks to mentors: Olga Dorabiala, Ayesha Ghaffar, Nora Gilbertson, Katie Johnston, Echo Liu, Katherine Owens, Doris Voina
2019 WAMM Participants
Student | Project Title |
Vanessa Lyu | Optimal Control in Marriage |
Ondrea Robinson | HIV Modelling: Recreating Continuous and Burst Models |
Anna Zhou | Neural Networks |
Yiwen Qiu | Research About Wealth Inequality |
Yiling Sun | Supervised Semantic Classification with Principal Component Analysis |
Yinxi Pan | Predict Survivals on the Titanic |
Special thanks to mentors: Doris Voina, Natalie Wellen, Kelsey Maass, Olga Dorabiala, Micah Henson, Nora Gilbertson
2018 WAMM Participants
Student | Project Title |
Emily Flanagan | Bugs! Modeling Host-Parasitoid Systems |
Emma Raible | MPF and Regulation of the Cell Cycle |
Liz Ramsden | Finding a function from experimental data |
Yusha Wang | Discrete Choice Modelling in Airline Network Management |
Michelle Yeung | Face Detection Using Eigenfaces |
Special thanks to mentors: Kathleen Champion, Kelsey Maass, Kelsey Marcinko, Megan Morrison, Saumya Sinha