WAMM Participants

2023 WAMM Participants

Name Project Title
Jing Cao Visualizing Nonnormality
Joyce Chen Deep Learning Weather Prediction
Parker Crotty Continuous Modeling: Waves
Sihao Feng Multiscale Time Stepping With Neural Network
Weixuan Liu The Impact of Initialization on the Learning Performance of Neural Networks
Xinyi Meng Continuous Modeling: Waves
Ellie Menton Visualizing Nonnormality
Bao Han Ngo Factor Models for Building Stock Portfolios in the US and China
Xinyue Sun Factor Models for Building Stock Portfolios in the US and China
Annabel Wade Deep Learning Weather Prediction
Cindy Wang Image classification and various denoising and deblurring methods
Xiqian Yuan Multiscale Time Stepping With Neural Network
Xinyue Zhang The Impact of Initialization on the Learning Performance of Neural Networks
Ziyan Zhou Cross-Validation of ML on MNIST Data Set

Special thanks for mentors: Erin Angelini, Eleanor Byrnes, Katherine Johnston, Kaitlynn Lilly, Helena Liu, Yining Shao, Natalie Wellen

2022 WAMM Participants

Student Project Title
Huijing Chen Linear Regression Models of Femicide Data in Mexico
Kaidi Chen Support Vector Machine fro Customer Churn Prediction in Banking 
Bella Cochran Interpolating the Climate
Yunxin Hong Classifying Tumors with Supervised Learning
Linshuo Li Classifying Tumors with Supervised Learning
Krista Matuska Interpolating the Climate
Katherine Solchaga Linear Regression Models of Femicide Data in Mexico
Natalie Tassielli Computer Vision for Dummies: Classifying MNIST
Michelle Utama Support Vector Machine for Customer Churn Prediction in Banking
Carey Zhou Computer Vision for Dummies: Classifying MNIST

Special thanks for mentors: Chavisa Arpavoraruth, Nicole Nesbihal, Pragya Sharma, Doris Voina, Natalie Wellen.

2021 WAMM Participants

Student Project Title
Nadia Domnina Markov Chain Applications
Camille Gates Modeling Tumor Immune Dynamics 
Chloƫ Mitchell Exploring Models of Tumor Growth
Hinda Nguyen Covid Model Simulation
Leqi Wang Koopman Operator: DMD Simulation on SIR Model
Sabrina Zerrade Dimensions in Neural Signals
Wuwei Zhang Exploring MNIST

Special thanks for mentors: Olga Dorabiala, Nora Gilbertson, Katie Johnston, Echo Liu, Megan Morrison, Katherine Owens, Natalie Wellen

2020 WAMM Participants

Student Project Title
Jan Eliza G Dee Analysis and Comparison of Knit stitches using a Mechanical Energy Model
Weien Guo European and American Options Pricing Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Alisha Luo SVD Image Denoising
Sanjana Sathyanarayanan Enigma Encryption
Frances Scott-Weis Neural Networks
Yiru Xiong  
Ester Yang Recommender Systems for Movies

Special thanks to mentors: Olga Dorabiala, Ayesha Ghaffar, Nora Gilbertson, Katie Johnston, Echo Liu, Katherine Owens, Doris Voina

2019 WAMM Participants

Student Project Title
Vanessa Lyu Optimal Control in Marriage
Ondrea Robinson HIV Modelling: Recreating Continuous and Burst Models
Anna Zhou Neural Networks
Yiwen Qiu Research About Wealth Inequality
Yiling Sun Supervised Semantic Classification with Principal Component Analysis
Yinxi Pan Predict Survivals on the Titanic

Special thanks to mentors: Doris Voina, Natalie Wellen, Kelsey Maass, Olga Dorabiala, Micah Henson, Nora Gilbertson

2018 WAMM Participants

Student Project Title
Emily Flanagan Bugs! Modeling Host-Parasitoid Systems
Emma Raible MPF and Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Liz Ramsden Finding a function from experimental data
Yusha Wang Discrete Choice Modelling in Airline Network Management
Michelle Yeung Face Detection Using Eigenfaces

Special thanks to mentors: Kathleen Champion, Kelsey Maass, Kelsey Marcinko, Megan Morrison, Saumya Sinha
