Autumn 2020 Newsletter

By Bernard Deconinck September 7, 2020 “This was a trying year for the Department. Some of these trials were self inflicted, others were inflicted on us.” These were the opening lines of my contribution to the 2019 newsletter. How trivial the trials of last year look compared to what we have had to endure this year! How we would love to be able to work in the dungeon-like offices available to us last summer in Gerberding Hall!  The University of Washington was the first university… Read more
As the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic keeps the world in its grasp, all members of the Department of Applied Mathematics are working from home, taking and teaching courses remotely, while continuing their groundbreaking research. A number of research results produced by members of the department are having an immediate impact on how the government and others are responding to the crisis, while others may have a long-term effect on how future pandemics are approached. At the… Read more
By Bea Stollnitz As an undergraduate, I studied computer science, partially in Portugal where I grew up and partially in the UK. When I completed my degree, I intended to stay in the UK for grad school. However, an exciting work opportunity in the US as a software developer enticed me to postpone my goal. “I'll work for a couple of years, and then I'll apply to grad school,” I thought. But my work kept me engaged and always offered new opportunities to grow — and a couple of years… Read more
By Ayushi Dhar I first came to the United States just over five years ago without a clear vision of a major and career. In that cloud of confusion, the one thing I was adamant about was charting my own path and taking ownership of my education. I took advantage of the diverse courses being offered at the University of Washington and studied history, chemistry, computer science, informatics, and business, before finding my passion for economics. I was introduced to the CFRM program… Read more
By Hong Qian At the Applied Mathematics: The Next 50 Years' conference, a panel discussion of the “Future Research Directions in Applied Mathematics” was put on. The entire discussion was recorded and uploaded on YouTube, the link can be found here. The panel discussion covered a wide range of issues in connection to the future of applied mathematics. They included research… Read more
By Doris Voina & Nora Gilbertson The third edition of  Women in Applied Mathematics Mentorship Program (WAMM) was organized in the Spring of 2020, this time entirely online. WAMM is a mentorship program run by the Diversity Committee, with the help of PhD students who serve as mentors for undergraduates. PhD students are paired with undergraduates… Read more
Congratulations to all of our graduates! Doctors of Philosophy Weston Barger Advisor: Matthew LorigA Partial Differential Equation Approach to Three Problems in Finance: Barrier Option Pricing, Optimal Asset Liquidation and Insider Trading Brian de Silva Advisor: J. Nathan KutzData-driven discovery and model reduction of complex systemsMatthew Farrell Advisor: Eric Shea-BrownRevealing structure in trained neural networks through dimensionality based… Read more
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SIAM UW AwardRecipient: Diya SashidharFor exceptional service to the University of Washington Chapter of SIAM for the 2019-2020 academic year. Joseph Hammack Endowment AwardRecipient: Benjamin LiuFor exemplary work by a student in the Department of Applied Mathematics.Boeing Teaching Award, StudentRecipient: Ryan CreedonFor outstanding teaching by a student in the Department of Applied Mathematics. Boeing Research AwardRecipients:… Read more
By Matthew Farrell Disclaimer: I am not really an expert in the ideas expressed below and so my descriptions may be flawed. Anyone who finds issues is welcome to send me an email. I've found that quantitative reasoning has helped me solidify, clarify, and organize my view of the world. To pay homage to my PhD years, here are ideas I've encountered on my mathematical journey that I've found useful. 1. Axiomitation of worldviews.  Mathematics is built upon axioms, namely… Read more
By Craig Gin In June I finished a three-year post doc in the Department of Applied Mathematics (Amath) at the University of Washington. It was an overwhelmingly positive experience. I enjoyed getting to know the faculty and students in the department and my teaching and research experiences prepared me well for my future career. My primary responsibility during my time in Amath was teaching. I enjoyed teaching prior to arriving at the University of Washington, but there were several… Read more
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By Tom Trogdon I (re)joined the University of Washington in July 2019 as an Associate Professor.  I originally joined the Department of Applied Mathematics during the 2008-2009 academic year as an MSc student.  The following year I joined the PhD program and graduated in 2013 under the supervision of Bernard Deconinck.  So, you could say, my former boss is once again my boss. After I left UW in 2013, I spent three years at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences… Read more