Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Related Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Joint with Geophysics and Oceanography -
Chair of Applied Mathematics
Boeing Professor of Applied Mathematics
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics -
Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics -
Professor Emeritus
Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Earth & Space Sciences -
WRF Postdoctoral Fellow
Acting Instructor
Latest News
- Alexey Shevyakov: Conservation laws, similarity reductions, and exact solutions for helically symmetric incompressible fluid flows (May 14, 2020)
- André Nachbin: Capturing the flow structure beneath rotational waves (April 30, 2020)
- Benjamin Akers: Dimension breaking and numerical continuation (February 13, 2020)
- Alexander O. Korotkevich: Inverse cascade of gravity waves in the presence of condensate: numerical simulation (January 23, 2020)
- Doug Wright: Traveling wave solutions of the capillary-gravity Whitham equation (January 16, 2020)